Oppeano, Veneto

Oppeano- Key information

Oppeano, situated in the province of Verona, is a strategic locale that exemplifies the blend of rural charm and economic growth. Surrounded by fertile plains, it thrives on agriculture, particularly renowned for its production of vegetables and grains. With a network of roads connecting it to major northern Italian cities, Oppeanoi offers an idyllic setting combined with accessibility. The municipal area includes several villages, each characterized by traditional architectures and local festivities that contribute to a vibrant community life. Additionally, its proximity to Verona enhances its appeal as a residential choice for those working in the city but seeking a tranquil home environment. Oppeano is not just a place to live; it is a bustling community that maintains a strong sense of local identity while contributing dynamically to the region’s economy.

Oppeano, nestled in Italy’s charming landscape, experiences a climate that balances brisk winters with warmly temperate summers. The region sees a modest amount of snowfall annually, hinting at mild winter scenes rather than harsh snowy conditions. Sunshine is quite generous throughout the year, allowing plenty of clear days for outdoor activities and leisure. Though there are periods of rainfall adequate to sustain the lush vegetation and agriculture that defines the area, the weather generally promotes an inviting environment for expats and retirees. The temperature range is mild, avoiding extremes, which facilitates comfortable living and exploration for residents and visitors alike.
Molto percorribile a piedi

Oppeano Demographics

Popolazione reale (fascia 5 km)

Rapporto nascita/morte Percentile


Popolazione Fonte dei dati


Turisti nazionali (2023)
Totale turisti (2023, 2005)
Indice di turisticità (2023)

Infrastrutture e connettività

Aeroporto più vicino

Aeroporto di Verona Villafranca

Distanza dall'aeroporto
0 km
Tempo di percorrenza per l'aeroporto
0 min.
Distanza dalla spiaggia più vicina
0 km
Distanza dalla località montana più vicina
0 km
Indice di turisticità (2023)

Distanza dai principali aeroporti

0 km
0 km
0 km
0 km
0 km

Infrastrutture e servizi

PDI 10km 30km

Entro 10 km

Negozi di riparazione auto
Campi da golf
Cliniche sanitarie
Sentieri escursionistici
Siti storici
Centri commerciali
Centri di bellezza (Spa)

Sanità e sicurezza

Nome dell'ospedale più vicino

Tempo di percorrenza per l'ospedale più vicino
0 min.
Numero di ospedali nel raggio di 30 minuti di auto

Zona sismica (rischio di terremoti)

Tasso di incidenti stradali per 10k abitanti
Indice dei prezzi delle assicurazioni auto
Costo medio annuo dell'assicurazione auto

Mercato immobiliare e delle abitazioni

Appartamenti in vendita


Case in vendita


Prezzi mediani di vendita delle case per m²
Prezzi mediani di vendita degli appartamenti al m²
Prezzi di vendita degli appartamenti del primo quartile per m²
Prezzi di vendita degli appartamenti al terzo quartile per m²
Prezzi di vendita delle case del primo quartile per m²
Prezzi di vendita delle case al terzo quartile per m²

Connettività e accesso digitale

Descrizione della pedonabilità

Molto percorribile a piedi

Velocità media di download/caricamento (Mbps)

Velocità di download lenta/veloce (Mbps)

Velocità di caricamento lenta/veloce (Mbps)


Classifica delle scuole medie (tutti i criteri)

Classifica media delle scuole (test standardizzati)

Conteggio degli asili nido


Conteggio delle scuole medie superiori


Conteggio delle scuole superiori


Conteggio delle scuole primarie


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Questa sezione è riservata agli utenti registrati. Crea un account gratuito per ottenere approfondimenti esclusivi su decine di città del Veneto.

Offerta a tempo limitato: solo i primi 500 utenti registrati hanno accesso gratuito ai dati.

Ambiente e qualità dell'aria












Valutazione della qualità dell'aria

Descrizione della qualità dell'aria

Oppeano, a quaint town in Italy, offers a breathable environment that leans towards the better side of the spectrum. The particles typically found in urban air—both coarse and fine—are present here but remain within a fair range, ensuring that day-to-day life isn’t heavily burdened by pollution. The levels of nitrogen and sulfur dioxide are commendably low, contributing positively to the local atmosphere and aligning well with health-conscious individuals. Ozone, while slightly elevated, still falls within acceptable bounds. This setup promises a comfortable setting for retirees and expats seeking a serene haven without straying far from the norm of moderately clean air.

Clima e tempo


Sotto la media (31°-40° percentile)

Il sole

Media (41°-50° percentile)


Sotto la media (31°-40° percentile)

Temperatura annuale minima (°C)


Temperatura massima annuale (°C)


Descrizione del clima

Oppeano, nestled in Italy's charming landscape, experiences a climate that balances brisk winters with warmly temperate summers. The region sees a modest amount of snowfall annually, hinting at mild winter scenes rather than harsh snowy conditions. Sunshine is quite generous throughout the year, allowing plenty of clear days for outdoor activities and leisure. Though there are periods of rainfall adequate to sustain the lush vegetation and agriculture that defines the area, the weather generally promotes an inviting environment for expats and retirees. The temperature range is mild, avoiding extremes, which facilitates comfortable living and exploration for residents and visitors alike.

Grafico della temperatura annuale (Min)

Dati climatici forniti da Open Meteo, basati sulle medie 2010-2022.

Grafico della temperatura annuale (max)

Dati climatici forniti da Open Meteo, basati sulle medie 2010-2022.

Giorni di sole per mese

Dati climatici forniti da Open Meteo, basati sulle medie 2010-2022.

Descrizioni delle città

Come arrivare

Oppeano is accessible by road via the SS434 highway, linking it directly to Verona, which is about 20 kilometers to the northwest. Additionally, regular bus services connect Oppeano with surrounding areas, providing efficient transportation options for residents and visitors alike.

Come muoversi

Oppeano, located 22 kilometers southeast of Verona, is well-connected by regional buses. The town features multiple convenient routes for navigating through and around the area. Ideal for day trips to nearby historic Verona, local transit facilitates easy commute for both residents and visitors.

Cucina locale

Oppeano offers an array of traditional dishes that reflect its rich agricultural heritage. Known for its robust flavors, the region utilizes seasonal and locally-sourced ingredients with a focus on simplicity and freshness. Polenta, a staple in Northern Italian kitchens, often accompanies hearty meat dishes or serves as a bed for wild mushrooms harvested from nearby forests. Risotto, cooked with the local Vialone Nano rice, is frequently flavored with radicchio or asparagus, also cultivated in the area. Local wines, particularly those from the Valpolicilla region, provide a perfect pairing to these authentic Veronese meals, enhancing the dining experience.

Aree verdi e parchi

Oppeano offers its residents and visitors several serene green spaces ideal for leisure and relaxation. The town’s parks showcase well-maintained paths suitable for both walkers and cyclists, punctuated by the occasional historical landmark. Notably, the current church grounds, dating back to 1841, provide a lush backdrop that invites peaceful contemplation or a casual stroll. These areas are vital for community gatherings, offering an escape from the urban routine into nature’s embrace. Moreover, with various native plant species, these parks contribute to local biodiversity and educate visitors on environmental conservation within a historical context.


Oppeano offers its residents and visitors several serene green spaces ideal for leisure and relaxation. The town’s parks showcase well-maintained paths suitable for both walkers and cyclists, punctuated by the occasional historical landmark. Notably, the current church grounds, dating back to 1841, provide a lush backdrop that invites peaceful contemplation or a casual stroll. These areas are vital for community gatherings, offering an escape from the urban routine into nature’s embrace. Moreover, with various native plant species, these parks contribute to local biodiversity and educate visitors on environmental conservation within a historical context.


Oppeano offers its residents and visitors several serene green spaces ideal for leisure and relaxation. The town’s parks showcase well-maintained paths suitable for both walkers and cyclists, punctuated by the occasional historical landmark. Notably, the current church grounds, dating back to 1841, provide a lush backdrop that invites peaceful contemplation or a casual stroll. These areas are vital for community gatherings, offering an escape from the urban routine into nature’s embrace. Moreover, with various native plant species, these parks contribute to local biodiversity and educate visitors on environmental conservation within a historical context.

Domande frequenti

What kind of amenities can one expect in Oppeano?
Oppeano offers essential amenities suitable for daily life, including local shops and services. However, it is worth noting that the town has limited options for nightlife and international cuisine, which might be a drawback for those accustomed to a more vibrant city life.

Is Oppeano well-connected to other major cities?
Yes, Oppeano is well-connected by road and public transport. The SS434 highway provides direct access to Verona, approximately 20 kilometers away, complemented by regular bus services that ensure connectivity with Verona and other neighboring regions.

Are there any green spaces in Oppeano?
Oppeano is home to several parks with well-maintained paths ideal for walking and cycling. These green spaces are not only perfect for leisure activities but also play a crucial role in community gatherings and environmental education.

How does the educational system cater to expatriate families?
The educational facilities in Oppeano primarily consist of local schools. There are limited international schooling options, which might present challenges for expatriate families seeking education with a global curriculum.

What is the general atmosphere of the community in Oppeano?
Oppeano boasts a close-knit community atmosphere underscored by frequent local festivities and a strong sense of local identity. While this fosters a welcoming environment, the absence of a significant international community might require some adjustment for new expatriate residents.

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Offerta a tempo limitato: solo i primi 500 utenti registrati hanno accesso gratuito ai dati.

More Information abo Oppeano

Meet the Magic Towns experts for Oppeano

Enrit Samarxhiu

Property adviser for Oppeano

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Sindi Topi

Consulente per il trasferimento

Personalità dei media locali ed esperta di Albania, nota per le sue acute intuizioni.

Vartkes Piranjani

Consulente legale e per l'immigrazione

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